Technical presentation
The raw data contained in this website form tables and are entered into five files in the same folder data.
- herb.csv. The lines are the pages of the herbarium. The variables are:
num | character: the number with the format xxx_yy number of the box, yy sheet number in the box |
scan | character: yes / no the sheet was scanned (there is a file in the xxx_yy.jpg in the folder datascan) |
idtaxa | character: taxon identifier (pointer on the taxa.csv table) |
date | character: date of harvest |
idsite | character: site identifier (pointer on the site.csv table) |
- phot.csv. The lines are the photos of the album. The variables are:
fichier | file name of the photo present in this folder dataphot dataphot. |
idtaxa | caractère : identificateur de taxon (pointeur sur le tableau taxa.csv) |
date | caractère : date de la récolte |
idsite | caractère : identificateur du site (pointeur sur le tableau site.csv) |
- site.csv . The lines are sites of harvest. The variables are:
idsite | character: identifier |
nomsite | character: site name |
wilaya | character: department where the site is located |
longi | GPS longitude with the format deg°min'sec"E
lati | character: GPS latitude with the format deg°min'sec"N
alti | integer: altitude in meters |
- taxa.csv . Lines are harvested taxa. The variables are:
idtaxa | character: identifier |
binom | character :genre species author |
idfami | character: identifier of the family (pointer on the fami.csv table) |
- fami.csv . The lines are the families encountered. The variables are:
idfami | character: identifier |
latin | character: Latin family name |
level | character :for the management presentation of pages |
The files cited are downloadable in the source directory.
<<2019-06-21>> - pagetech.html